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Our Story

An Idea is Born

Once upon a time two close friends had a discussion about a number of historical monuments located in Lower Dniester and quite distinctive

local cultural traditions. Particularly - ancient local wine-making tradition. The question raised as the result of this discussion: is there some evidences might exists proving Lower Dniester River land to be  the oldest wine making regions in the world since some of the descriptive evidences might support such a view? That is how the idea of a society was born. Next meeting another friend joined us with the same idea  of registering non-profit historical society later named OIUM.

Our First Members

After establishing the Society OIUM a large number of local enthusiasts and members of the Moldovan academic establishment within first month after registration organized society's first action to celebrate The Independence Day in the central squire of Stefan Voda bringing together in this joyful celebration over a thousand of locals and scientists.

Many Happy Beneficiaries

Many Moldovan scientists and local enthusiasts enjoyed the activities and benefits provided by OIUM members.

Our endeavors were appreciated by nation's scientific community and was reflected in published research papers. 

Why Us?

Society OIUM is the oldest historical and heritage non-profit organization registered by the Lower Dniester River local authority. We are the only truly apolitical organization exclusively dedicated to raise funds to promote knowledge of the area multidimensional history; to help researchers in the field of history, linguistics, anthropology and heritage preservation; to popularize historical research; to promote education about preservation of the area unique historical past. We are the only local organization who organizes cultural and historical festivities related to the legendary history of Lower Dniester River land.

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